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Last updated
Before and during the project, there will not be any public publicity and advertising activities to be organized in any media, and the platform team did not organize any social software group. The mailing list is promoted. Please be careful in the judgment before participating.
This document is used only for the purpose of conveying the information and does not constitute an opinion or investment opinion on the future sale of native digital assets, nor is it a contract or commitment of any kind.
Once the investors participate in the private equity and sale, they will understand and accept the risks of the project and are willing to bear all the corresponding results or consequences for this. The platform clearly expresses that it does not bear any direct or indirect losses caused by participating in the platform project.
The native digital assets involved in this Project is an encrypted digital coding used on the platform and does not represent the equity, debt rights, earnings rights, or control of the platform project.
Meanwhile, the Foundation expressly unrecognized and refuses to accept the following responsibilities:
¡ Any person violates the anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing or other regulatory requirements of any country when exchanging the Space Alpaca.
¡ Anyone violates any statement, warranty, obligations, commitments or other requirements under this white Paper and the resulting unavailability or inability to extract Space Alpaca.
¡ The development of the Space Alpaca fails or is abandoned, and as a result, the Space Alpaca cannot be delivered or used
¡ The delay or delay of the development of public chain and the schedule of prior disclosure
¡ Fault, crash, paralysis, rollback, or hard fork
¡ Space Alpaca has failed to achieve any specific function or is not suitable for any particular purpose
¡ Use of the funds raised by the Space Alpaca plan
¡ Failing to disclose the information about the public chain development in time and completely
¡ Any participant has leaked, lost, or damaged the Space Alpaca wallet's private key
¡ Default, violation, infringement, infringement, breakdown, paralysis, service termination or suspension, fraud, misconduct, misconduct, mistake, negligence, bankruptcy, liquidation, dissolution, or suspension of the third-party distribution platform
¡ There is a difference, conflict or contradiction between anyone and the third-party distribution platform and the content of this white paper
¡ Transaction or speculation by anyone against Space Alpaca
¡ The listing, suspension or delisting of Space Alpaca on any trading platform
¡ Space Alpaca is classified or deemed to be a currency, security, commercial paper, negotiable instrument, investment instrument or another thing by any governmental, quasi-governmental, competent authority or public body to the point that it is prohibited, regulated, or legally restricted
¡ Any risk factors disclosed in this white paper, as well as the damage, loss, claims, liability, penalties, costs, or other negative effects associated with, resulting in or accompanying them.