
The Space Alpaca mining function is as simple as staking the NFTs and waiting for the rewards to start rolling in. There are a variety of methods by which players might profit from their NFT investments.

  1. Mint NFTs and start staking in the mining section.

  2. Players must make real-time decisions within a limited timeframe, choosing rooms to evade pursuit by the werewolves. In this intense and suspenseful gaming atmosphere, players constantly face life-or-death tests, where each decision could determine victory or defeat. The tense ambiance of the game, coupled with unexpected plot twists, allows players to fully experience the sense of achievement in overcoming adversaries.


The initial yield for each card is 90%. For each additional card invested in the mine, the yield increases by 2%. Thus, investing two cards into the mine yields 92%, and this pattern continues. The maximum yield caps at 100% when five cards are invested in the mine. Users can invest a maximum of 7 cards into the mine.

Trading NFT in Marketplace

The Marketplace is a useful feature for players that wanted to buy or sell their NFT. It allows players to instant purchase the NFT they preferred or sell their unwanted NFT for more profit.

Last updated